I canceled my baby shower

I originally wasn't going to have one, but was pushed by my mother in law to have one. I regret not sticking to what I wanted.

It was going to be March 2 but I am so uncomfortable.. light headed .. my abs are legit splitting and bowels coming through so I'm in pain .. and I just couldn't see myself sitting there and faking a smile with people that I don't care to hang out with in general. It was going to be about 5 people I enjoy being around and the rest I "had" to invite but in reality am not close with and see once a year. I also saw many people were not shopping the registry which would mean I would be back at the store in March a month before I give birth buying everything with my own money. Even my MIL who's the one that told me to have the shower, didn't shop the registry and just bought a ton of random clothes that I don't even like! I need to worry about myself and staying sane at this point so I canned the whole thing and couldn't be happier.

My advice - stick to what you know makes YOU happy and comfortable.

Edit to update: A few people who did purchase on the registry were spending $20 or $30 for TWO people. My shower was at a restaurant and would cost more ler person than the gifts i would receive so this defeats the entire purpose. I know they weren't getting anything else just based on convo to friends and family. That was their gifts. Other people were going to random stores and buying random crap I don't want/need.

Update: I TRULY appreciate everyone's responses it makes me feel so much better about this situation. I also feel that unless someone had a rough pregnancy they don't truly understand what it means to be struggling to be excited about a shower. Without going into too much medical detail I've had anything from hemorrhaging, bed rest, abs are split open and bowels are pushing through, hg, and now most recently problems breathing and fainting due to anemia and glucose. Over the last month it's gotten to the point where I just want to be left alone until baby is here (aka my original plans as I didn't want a shower to begin with). My mom and friends all agree canceling the shower was the best option because of how I feel.

To the two people who obviously didn't read the entire post and/or have no reading comprehension skills. My MIL was only buying a cake lol. My mom and myself were paying for everything. If this was "about the gifts" I would pull myself together and show up for the shower. I had some people buying random $10 items and some going to the coach store to buy me a purse - non of which i need. My registry is FULL of items from $10 to $400. There's absolutely zero reason to not shop someone's registry. If I wanted the designer bag or random outfits I would attempt and show up. It's not about the gifts at all. People can return them and I can go buy everything I need myself. It's about how I FEEL. I am so uncomfortable i was dreading the shower. My MIL has been stressing me out to the max and I just dont need to be annoyed at this point. She was the one who said word for word prob 150x - "you need a shower - let people shop ur registry!". She didn't even follow her own advice lol. There's also zero point in my mom or myself paying a certain amount per person, and then losing money - I can easily take the money and go to the store. I'm worrying about how MYSELF and BABY are at this point. I'm not doing anything I don't want to do bc MIL wants me to spend money on a party just because.