Naming after MIL
We are due in 2 weeks and still struggling with a name. The middle name we both love, it’s my mom’s middle name and perfect. Since we are using a middle name from my mom, my husband wants to get the first name from his mom. While I don’t mind the name, I don’t have a great relationship with my MIL. She isn’t rude or mean, and it could be a lot worse, but she really has never cared I existed. She has not once reached out to ask how I am doing or how the pregnancy is going. My mom on the other hand is very close with my husband, and all around just welcomed him with open arms.
My husband also has children from a previous marriage so I kinda feel if he wanted to use his mom’s name, he had a chance the first two times. This will be our only child together.
Naming a baby after someone just feels like a big honor, and I’m struggling to feel like someone who hasn’t taken an interest in me as a person deserves that.