Can everyone STFU about pregnant women’s bodies??
I have seen numerous posts on here about people receiving inappropriate, insensitive and downright rude comments about their bodies during pregnancy and while I’ve gotten weird comments, like being called mom, mama, mommy, etc by friends and coworkers (!) or being told you don’t look pregnant, look at your little belly growing, etc, nothing could have truly prepared me for the absolute trash that was said to me today AT WORK.
I’m 38 weeks pregnant but still working (maternity leave in America is so great), logged online for an internal video call, exchanged pleasantries with some of the folks on the call, and then two of the women on the call decided to comment on my appearance. Mind you I was dressed professionally, hair done, makeup done.
The first woman said, wow you must really be getting big you can really see the weight gain in your face and cheeks, to which the second woman chimed in and said, you should see her in person, she’s getting bigger by the day. I was too stunned to even reply and shut my camera off because I felt like I was about to cry.
Another male colleague tried to diffuse the situation by cracking a joke about maybe he should take a pregnancy test because he doesn’t seem to have any excuse for weight gain in his cheeks, but I was pretty much checked out by then.
I think what stuns me the most is these women are older, both have kids and one of them actually just became a first time grandma. I feel sorry for her daughter and any BS she said to her throughout her pregnancy…