I had no idea!...baby shower faux pas?
People have been asking me since I got pregnant if I would be having a baby shower, and I have been saying "yes, I plan to" since then.
My family is across the country and relationships there are complicated. My closest friends are also far away and/or childless.
I am good at throwing parties and love to do it, so all along I have planned to throw the shower myself without any second thought...until the reactions came to this news.
I have had multiple people respond in shock and dismay at the news that I'm hosting my own, with comments like "oh no! You're not supposed to throw your own baby shower!" along with a few (what feel like) pity offers to do it/help instead of me doing it. Suddenly my husband is all on my case about how I am not supposed to be doing all the things either, after he got similar reactions.
I guess I knew sisters and mothers or friends often host these, but i just assumed thats because they liked doing those things. I never realized how strong peoples opinions were or how unusual it seems to be to host your own.
Do you think its tacky to hold your own? We are too far in the process to change course now, but wondering what my guests are thinking now that I know.