Been discarded, trying to reconcile only to be ignored or told it's all my fault

My ex has bpd. After discarding she, she tried to spin it as though it was all my fault. That I was manipulative or abusive. She hit me and even spat on me multiple times, though I never did anything back. These physical things (while hurting at the moment) don't bother me now because I know she was emotionally overwhelmed. But it's the way she spins the story to make it sound like I was the one who was abusive that she had to defend herself--that's what stings. I wish her well and I want to be her friend and support her. But nothing I'm saying is working. I keep trying to appease her while she keeps being hurtful.

I want to so badly point out the truth--that she's gaslighting and being manipulative. But doing so will only push her away further. I don't want her to be hurt. I truly love her.