4 Months Out & 83 Days NC - What I've Learned!

Hoping this post inspires those discovering this subreddit or still going through it needing hope. I've now been separated from my exwBPD for 4 months and almost 3 months of no contact. Life has been great but it wasn't immediately. Right after I was in a very dark place. Cried for 45 days straight, unmotivated to live, lost my job, felt like I could never date again or that it would never be the same, and even had a day where I contemplated it being my last.

Fortunately that was only a day and throughout I had my friends to lean and cry on. I kept keeping up with the gym. I journaled. I meditated. And I put one foot in front of the other. Today, I have a new role pivoting into something that is gonna help my future desires (I have big ambition back), I have been on a few dates and draw even better boundaries (about women not really exciting me enough to pursue it, not that they're BPD), got laid when I thought I'd never get sexual again or for a long time, and am at so much more peace and tranquility! It wasn't easy to get here, A LOT OF SUFFERING AND HARD WORK, but glad I awoke from what feels like an awful foggy dream state. I believe everyone here can and will achieve the same if you commit to walking away and putting in all the healing work! You got this!