You WILL get discarded. Only a matter of time

I was just like you a few months ago. Things were rocky, but I believed doing my absolute best would slowly fix things. I read the posts here in fear, but I was sure that if I read books, watched videos about BPD and was the best possible boyfriend - it would never happen to me. But it did.

I gave this girl everything I could. Beautiful 6 year relationship. All of it now gone, without rhyme or reason. I was always there for her through thick and thin. And in my most vulnerable state, after my grandma passed away, she does this. A few days before my birthday, a couple of weeks before Valentine's day and only a month before our 6th anniversary. All of our dreams and wishes, gone in an instant. My worst fear was now a reality.

She woke up one day and just dropped me like I was trash out of nowhere. When I asked why, she rewrote our WHOLE past and relationship. The cold, unemotional way she said these things even made me doubt my sanity. It's like this person in front of me is a total stranger, not the love of my life for the past 6 years. I'm sitting there in tears and she coldly recites to me things SHE has done to ME, as reasons for her breaking up with me. Absolutely shocking.

Dear friend, don't be like me. I was hopeful until the end and now I'm a ruin. I miss the person I was before her. Don't do this to yourself. I know you've read many posts like this and don't want to believe these things. Just like me. But it's inevitable. I wish you peace and luck.