Manipulative Things PWBPD Have Admitted To You

Over the years there were moments where my exwBPD would seemingly have moments of clarity or let their guard down and admit certain things about their behaviors. Some of it, undoubtedly, was manipulation itself but I thought it might be good to compare notes on what we've heard them admit to doing intentionally as manipulation.

Here's just a taste of what I was told

  • Even in the best of times and even when there wasn't splitting she was keeping a list of things that she could use against me the next time she devalued and split on me, sometimes even keeping a physical list but mostly a long photographic memory kind of list
  • That she also kept a running list of things I'd admitted with vulnerabilities and insecurities and any time I confided in her that she could use against me
  • That when meeting someone new and seeing them as a potential FP she sized them up immediately and figured out exactly how to get close to them and manipulate them
  • That she felt completely empty on the inside and other people were the only way to fill herself up
  • That sometimes when she split she knew what she was doing and othertimes it was like amnesia or a blackout
  • That she was repeating a lot of these behaviors with her kid in order for them not to leave her or pull away or get closer to their dad
  • That when she got in a relationship she immediately figured out the partners financial situation and immediately mentally included their money into her own worth while keeping her worth to herself
  • That when she cheated she went into a total zombie mode where she forgot I existed or that we had ever really known each other or cared for each other