Is it possible that any of it is real?

Again, just here remembering it all. How could someone fake so much. I could see some things but all of it.

Is it possible they actually do care and do love you?

Why would you want to cuddle someone every single night. Lay on my chest. Hold and kiss me. Have lots of sex. Hold hands in private. Constantly be touching.

Walk by randomly and grab my butt or kiss me. Random compliments at times.

It was silly but she'd always smell me. Just like lean in and sniff me because she said she liked my scent. Wear my shirts because it smelled like me.

Just lay on top of me and hold me. She would call it Koala-ing me.

A lot of affectionate and loving things. Is it possible it was all real, but they're just so mentally ill things collapse? They are just a tsunami of emotion that ruins everything.

I feel like all of that was special to her and I.