My boyfriend’s short temper triggers me
I would say that my boyfriend is a loving man and is incredibly giving and loyal to me.
The thing is he gets incredibly irritated with life’s inconveniences and starts cursing and yelling when he is stressed.
For example, we got lost one time going on a hike and he started yelling and cursing in the car on our way there. It wasn’t directed at me but I can feel my nervous system get triggered.
Sometimes he does things that trigger me as well like yesterday, I work from home and was on a work call but the trash people were downstairs (I live in an apartment in Mexico City), my boyfriend was late for work because he wakes up late and I thought he could take the trash downstairs in his way out. He started yelling/ cursing and throwing the trash bags around and it triggered me.
He says it was because he was stressed about being late to work and me asking him to tale the trash seemed unfair.
One time I was really playful and happy when I woke up on the weekend. We both were home and I woke him up playfully. He got extremely annoyed by me and then when I started playing music in the dinning room and dancing, he got annoyed and when I tried to sing and dance with him, he closed the bedroom door and locked it.
Am I being too sensitive? I don’t know why these things trigger me so much