Euphoric episode?? What is happening? I’m not mad about it😁F20(quiet BPD)
I’m euphoric rn I probably look psychotic with how much I’m grinning for no apparent reason. This sounds like boasting but I swear I’m just trying to make sense of what caused me to fall out of my depressive episode so dramatically in the opposite direction. I feel like I’m glowing too, and I’m a definitely not pregnant😂 I did just get off the phone with a good friend but I talk with them all the time and don’t feel so happy afterwards Wow. Happy🤯 Seriously though, has anyone experienced something so intense? I love it☺️
Love you guys btw, thank you for sharing your stories and for being so supportive. I am in awe of so many of you, this shit is hard as fuck, and we are so strong when we allow ourselves to be, not to mention also having to juggle life itself??! And functioning in society as it crumbles?! And don’t even get me started on navigating relationships😭
You’re all warriors💪🫶✨✨
I low key feel high rn😂