Does anyone deal with auditory hallucinations? I think I did for the first time.
Or technically not the first time. I had something similar a long time ago, but I wasn’t diagnosed yet. Most of what I find online says that people with BPD may hear voices but what I heard was different. Sounded like someone was outside my bedroom door, I heard grocery bags rustling, then I heard someone walk over to the bedroom next to mine and open the door. Then silence. I legit thought someone broke in. But there was nothing. And I am thoroughly embarrassed because I called the security for my living area.
But are hallucinations like this even part of BPD? Like I said, most of what I’ve read says voices, so maybe this is a whole other thing. 😓
ETA: this probably isn’t that important but explains why I knew it wasn’t my roommate and jumped to calling security. We recently had one of our roommates move out and have yet to fill the space. We have someone wanting to move in around late August or early September, but she’s clear across the country still, so that bedroom next to mine is completely empty. I had also texted the roommate that is still here to ask if she was home and she said no. That’s when I panicked lol.