Casual cod is dead! (Part 100)

Today was my last day of my xbox game pass trial and the game still stinks! What stinks more is the no lifer sweats who tryna defend a billion dollar company lol. Like I want to play the game causally for a while, I get 1-2 kills per match. Then next match I get 3-4 kills and the third one it's again back to 2... It's not even playable most times due to the packet loss and the sweatfest it is on any time of the day. Sbmm? More like CBMM (causals broken match making)

I'm not even a bad player like I have 0.51kd, which is bad maybee? But when I camp I don't get kills but get killed instead, when I rush I get killed by campers or speed demons showcasing their sweaty omnimovements. Wallah!!

I have 15k premier rating in cs2, am fairly well in tarkov. When I want to play causal I can actually enjoy the game in counter strike but here? What is enjoyment? You can only get 4 kills... While your team is half afk, and the rest leaving between matches or playing like actual bots, and on the other side the opponents, well their shiny 4-6kd in matches... In some even upto 8...

Anyone who says "cod is for noobs/causals/beginners" like how? I legit had more fun in cod mobile version back 2-3 years ago. Sbmm is telling me to sweat. And when I don't I play trash but it's fine, however unenjoyable because I'm getting constaly spawn trapped and killed by 5kd players in the opponent team. Also team balance? In these 13 days I've seen the max kd player in my team was like 2... 2.5 maximum.

I'm mostly on top 2 or top 3 in my team... But the 6 kills I get... It's insane how long some players keep up with this shit...

The only good thing about this game is zombies... Love it! Campaign was meh... Nothing like the old cod campaigns.. but multiplayer for people having like 3-5 hours per week for gaming and want to actually enjoy instead of getting 4-5 kills in a match? Not happening..