Sbmm is weird.
Long story short, I dropped 42 kills on vorkuta then the next game I got 3 kills on the same map. Now I'm stuck in lobbies way above my skill level and it's not really fun.
I get that I did well in the previous match but the game straight up punished me for it . Like I'd get it if I only dropped ~ 10 kills, but to not even make it to 5 is crazy for me. Went off, got two chopper gunners on one game, then I got killed probably 20 times in less than three minutes the next match. Been in these crazy ass lobbies for like 45 minutes now.
To be honest, as shitty as it sounds I'd rather purposely get less kills than do this shit again. It's hard to play a game where when you finally do good it sends you against players that seem to be on crack.
I like most sbmm games, but this doesn't seem like it's intended to put you against people of your own skill level, it seems like the game purposely makes one team way stronger than the other.