How long do you think we have until Patch 8?

I’m not in any rush for it. I’m excited for it and I know “we’ll get it when we get it.” I’m asking more so out of starting to feel like I need to rush and finish one of my unfinished campaigns. I have others that I don’t care if they get lost/become unplayable because of mods and I have a completely vanilla unfinished co-op. They’re all also still in Act 1. But this one particular one (just reached A2) I would hate to start over. It’s my first ever evil character on any game and tbh it stresses me tf out playing evil 🥲 it’s also a run I’ve been doing on stream so I haven’t been able/didn’t want to grind it off stream otherwise I’d be further along and probably wouldn’t feel this sense of urgency. I really don’t wanna kill Karlach or raid the Grove again.

So just curious on what others are guesstimating as I know there’s been nothing official that’s been said. I wasn’t planning on doing more on that run until Monday so I’m thinking at the pace I’ve been going I can finish the weekend after next, but the way I’ve been reading posts about Patch 8 has me wondering if I should make an effort to wrap up sooner.