Yo broskies! Im sorry :3

So uh- :v basically I’ve BEEN IN ANOTHER CONTROVERSY!!!! :O

Where I was uh- Firey underwear….Yea if you scroll down a lil theres some evidence there

Sorry if this apology isn’t serious its just how I am…And I hope my Grassy account and I can still be friends with you as the firey underwear account is deleted now! (By me)

R.I.H. Firey Underwear: He got banned for being the most controversial character…WHICH UH- WAS WHAT HE WAS KINDA MADE FOR NGL!!!

HE WAS MADE AS A JOKE CHARACTER HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN CONTROVERSY!!!! So yea this is a half Apologies letter half ‘’I made it’’ moment!

So uh- :v basically I’ve BEEN IN ANOTHER CONTROVERSY!!!! :O

Where I was uh- Firey underwear….Yea if you scroll down a lil theres some evidence there

Sorry if this apology isn’t serious its just how I am…And I hope my Grassy account and I can still be friends with you as the firey underwear account is deleted now! (By me)

R.I.H. Firey Underwear: He got banned for being the most controversial character…WHICH UH- WAS WHAT HE WAS KINDA MADE FOR NGL!!!

HE WAS MADE AS A JOKE CHARACTER HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN CONTROVERSY!!!! So yea this is a half Apologies letter half ‘’I made it’’ moment!