Saw new friend on fetlife - need opinions!
Hi all.
I (m35) met a girl this week and we got on well. Conversation was about things relevant to both our careers and we're meeting again next week to talk more, as we ran out of time. It's possibly also a date, but I'm far from certain about that.
By bizarre (and genuine) coincidence, I happened upon her fetlife profile later that very same day. Now I've recently moved to a new area, which is very sparsely populated, and searched fet to see who there was in the new area for the first time since moving - so it's maybe not as huge a coincidence as it seems... but still.
So do I tell her I saw her on fet?
I didn't delve deeply into her profile, but I couldn't help but have a quick look. I probably shouldn't have done that. I saw enough to get a pretty good idea of what she's into, and what she's looking for. What she's looking for is a play partner pretty much like me. And I'm looking for one pretty much like her.
So do I message her before we meet to tell her? Then she can check out my profile too, and even if she's not interested, at least we'll be on an even footing and I won't be deceiving her by not telling her I know her kinks and stuff. She'll probably think I looked her up though...
Do I try and judge the vibe when we meet and tell her then if it seems right? I'm not keen on this because I'll still be hiding it from her until I tell her, and it'll introduce a power imbalance because she'll know I've seen her profile but she won't have seen mine. That seems unfair, and might make her feel vulnerable.
Do I just not tell her? This avoids any possible awkwardness, but I don't want to miss this opportunity to find a potential well-matched, nearby play partner.
I barely know her, so I don't know how she'll react to any option.
I think I've made up my mind - writing it out has clarified things. But I'd still really like to know what you wise people think!
Thank you :)