I have created an email template in regards to the message below to Trading 212 brokers, hopefully, if enough of us ISA account holders with BBIG shares express our concerns, they may consider it. I am currently being closed at a £4.7k loss against my will and I believe this to be totally unfair as an investor.
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Email Template to send to Trading 212
Dear Trading 212 Support,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request the transfer of my existing BBIG (Vinco Ventures Inc) shares from my ISA account to my Invest account. I understand that Vinco Ventures Inc has moved to the OTC market, and as a result, I am required to terminate my position in the ISA account due to compliance regulations.
However, I would like to express my concern regarding the potential loss of approximately £4.7k that would be incurred if my position is closed on my behalf after the deadline. I believe it is not acceptable to be forced into such a loss, considering the circumstances beyond my control.
I kindly request that you facilitate the transfer of my BBIG shares to my Invest account, where I can continue to manage my position in a manner that I deem appropriate. I believe this would be a fair solution, given the unexpected changes in the stock's listing.
If my request is not accommodated, I must express my disappointment, and I may have no choice but to consider legal action to protect my interests in this matter.
I appreciate your prompt attention to this issue and look forward to your timely response.
Thank you.
( Your name here )