Hypothetically speaking, how would M. Night Shyamalan have adapted Books 2 and 3 of Avatar if the two other scrapped movies were released (assuming that he doesn't change the poor writing).
Character Arcs (Zuko's redemption, Katara's vengeance against her mother's killer, Toph's introduction, Azula's eventual breakdown, etc)
Character personalities (Post redemption Zuko, Toph, etc
Overall Plot
Character designs (Post redemption Zuko, Toph, etc)
Racebending (Toph, Earth King Kuei, Yon Rha, Hakoda, Kya, Fire Lord Sozin, Mai, Ty Lee, etc)
Romance (Aang and Katara, Zuko and Mai, etc)
Edit: I know that the movie is shit and hated by everybody (myself included). I'm just asking this out of curiosity and because I'm bored lol.