At what age did you get your first job?

(EDIT: One of the options should be 22-29, not 24-29! Whoops.)

I'm 36 and I've never had a job in the traditional sense, due to a combination of 'good' fortune (games I made and self-published online as a teen blew up in popularity, convincing me and my parents I could keep making games from my bedroom instead), bad fortune (when I went to uni in my late twenties to fix my life, instead of finding a job, I found I had brain cancer), and 'toxically supportive' enabling parents (they never pushed me to do things I was afraid of). I've written about my situation in more detail in other posts here and in other subs.

I've avoided real life for as long as I can by making stuff alone from home, though I've not earned enough money from it to become independent, so now I'm finally looking into how I can break out of my cocoon.

It seems that most people get their first jobs in their teens, though, and resent those like me who've been 'lucky' enough to miss out on formative developmental experiences. I envy them instead; I wish I'd worked sooner. One of many reasons I'll surely not fit in.

I'm curious to know what this poll will show here. Have most of you had abusive and/or neglectful parents such that you were forced into independence early? Or are there any like me whose parents enabled their hiding away for far too long?

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