How are you handling jop application processes?

*job (didn't see the typo and can't edit it... meh...)

I am new to this.I am a career starter from Germany with diagnosed social anxiety disorder and AvPD and I am going to finish my uni degree in 2-3 months (hopefully).

I am looking for jobs already. I recently applied for one and only one day after submission of my application documents I received an E-Mail in which I was offered an appointment for a telephone interview. The day and time are not set yet since I had to ask for another appointment today but it is probably going to happend pretty soon, next week most probably.

And it makes me extremely nervous and insecure. How am I supposed to make someone believe that I am good at anything if I don't even believe this myself? How am I supposed to convince someone that I am worth that position and skilled enough if I think I am the most useless and incompetent being on this planet? Writing my application in safety at home with enough time to think about it a lot is one thing. But convincing someone of my strengths and my worth in real time?? Without seeming too insecure since this might have a negative impact??

I don't know how to handle this. Do you guys have any experience with stuff like this or gone through similar things? Even if you cannot help me, I would really appreciate just sharing your similar stories (if they have a happy ending and do not lead to unemployment ).