No one talks about this
So I’m assuming it only affects parents on the spectrum? But around 10-11 months my baby obviously became a lot more active and mobile. And the crawling all over me, her head beating into my face when she throws herself backwards. It’s like someone hitting you in the face with a bowling ball 🥲And when I position her so her head doesn’t hit me, her hands do instead. Idk how long this stage lasts. But the sensory overload feels truly unbearable at times. Especially lately she only wants to be in my arms. So either I put her down and she whines and grunts for me to pick her up. Which is very overstimulating in itself. Or I hold her and have her hit me/pull on my clothes/pull my hair/take off my glasses 😩 just today I’ve been hit in the face three times with her head. And punched in the ear twice while having an ear bud in. And my glasses have been snatched twice! Anyone have a suggestions on dealing with overstimulation while parenting? I always keep my cool. And if I feel like I can’t I put her down in a safe space and go to another room for a little break. But I really hope she gains some spacial awareness soon.😅 or at the very least stops throwing herself back like that. She doesn’t do it when playing. Only when she knows I’m there to catch her.