Has Anyone Used TEFRA in South Carolina?
Hi! New to Reddit and the Autism Parenting group. Apologies for the longer post!
My wife and I currently live in South Carolina and have a 2 year old son who has strong signs of, but is not yet formally “diagnosed” with, autism. We have his formal diagnosis/screening scheduled for June.
We are currently a part of South Carolina’s BabyNet program, which has since provided full cost coverage for speech and occupational therapies that our son needed over the last year. However, that program is only available until he turns 3 years old. Our early interventionist thru this program has mentioned that we should apply for TEFRA to help provide coverage/minimize costs beyond just having our Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance through work.
Has anyone had experience with TEFRA in SC for their autistic child, or with TEFRA/Katie Beckett programs in general? From what I can tell, the income limit is based off of my son’s income ($0) and it would provide medical cost coverage for what our private insurance doesn’t pay for (for his therapies, ABA services, etc). Are there any hidden hurdles, pitfalls, or cost burdens related to this program we should know about before trying to apply?
And insight would be greatly appreciated. These are all new waters for us to try and navigate successfully!