The need for practicality … is it just me?
Ok here goes - hopefully I don’t sound too selfish or pragmatic…
I’m newly late diagnosed autistic (yay for masking so well my entire life! 🥲 and boo to burnout 🥲🥲)
I’ve been single for a few years and let me tell you it has been SOLO BLISS whilst living alone.
My apartment is immaculate, everything in order and organised by colour, shape, etc When I cook I buy exactly the ingredients for what I’m making and my meals rarely have left over ingredients. If they do I’m sure to use them up. I don’t know why, but I like to do things orderly and with thought and reason process behind it … yes the planning makes me feel safe and calm.
I have a new boyfriend of 5 months and over the Christmas break we spent a lot of time together. Pre Christmas, given our busy work schedules we’d only see each other on weekends and I had M-F on my own (honestly the dream 😅)
But it made me realise how ‘extra’ he is which makes me irrationally mad.
For example if he cooks he never checks what ingredients are on hand, and we end up with 6 bottles of soy sauce etc … nothing is simple with him. It’s all out balls to wall, bells and whistles vibes. I get it, he’s trying to impress etc … but he can’t see or grasp my need for order and organisation. I feel like he’s a tornado in my organised life and I’m struggling BIG.
How do I navigate the chaos without losing the spark of fun he brings?
Do you have a similar experience?