What do you all do for bras?

Flair may not be fully accurate as I do want some discussion and advice, but I really need to vent, too.

Bras have been discussed here before, I'm sure, but I'm tired of stressing to the point of burned-out shutdown over this.

I'm very large, and so are my breasts. I'm like...band size 48-52 or somewhere and anywhere from a J to an L cup. I've tried everything. I really can't stand the hook and eye closures anymore, and I haven't seen anything in my range of sizes that doesn't have that. Nothing has enough support. It cuts into my shoulders, or my ribcage, and I just can't. I can't stand feeling like I'm not held in place.

Please do not send me to ABraThatFits, I posted there awhile ago and immediately had creeps in my DMs trying to get pictures, so I won't be going through that again.

Is there a brand out there yall have found works? Something that doesn't drive you to tears with sensory torture?