Why do people think secondary pays better than primary?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am so surprised by the number of people who never worked in the education sector believing that secondary schools' pay is better than primary when that is not the case in any states for teachers (government schools).

But I have listed some reasons why people may think so:

- Principal and AP's salaries are ACTUALLY higher in secondary than primary

- There are way more independent secondary schools' teaching positions than primary, and independent schools' pay are usually slightly higher than the government's.

- There are more leadership positions in secondary than primary with extra pay

- Outside of Australia, secondary teachers generally get paid more, especially for year 10-12 positions

- Teacher's shortage issue is more serious in secondary than primary (not the amount of vacant positions itself, but qualified subject teachers; secondary has fewer applicants per position than primary, which makes the job hunting less competitive), so once you stick with this profession, career progression is easier at secondary, which may appear to non-education workers that secondary teachers are getting paid more? This is totally my assumption.

- Those stupid people who think that primary teaching is "easier" than secondary that primary teachers "deserve" less pay (ugh)

Please feel free to correct me and add your thoughts.