How do you do it?

I’m a first year teacher and am truly struggling and questing why I started teaching. I’m young but came to teaching after nearly 11 years in a completely different industry. I feel like I am getting no support from my school and that senior staff just constantly judging every mistake or decision I make. I am struggling a little with classroom management in one of junior school classes but do try and get help from the coordinators but I think they are just as much as a loss with this clas as me. Is this lack of support and isolation just the school I’m at or is there better out there or is this just how it is in education? I feel so isolated from other staff and like I’m not wanted there. I love my primary subject but I only have that 2 classes out of 6 classes. I just cry everyday and considering getting my vit done and going back to my old job.

Does it get better after your grad year?