I wasn’t ready for another dog!
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible. I had to put my dog of 16 years down a few weeks ago. I work in the oil fields and one day about a week after putting my dog down, out of nowhere, Patches shows up. Of course I’m friendly to her and she was friendly to everyone but she never “took” to anyone. She was a free roamer and had been seen fending off coyotes that would come to location. I’d seen her chasing coveys of quail. She was happy and free. After about 2 weeks she started seeking me out. She’d sneak up behind me and nip at my hand and scare the mess out of me to get my attention to pet her. It became a game to her. I went on days off for a week and I come back to find her severely injured. She’s favoring her leg and she looks miserable. She won’t lay down because it hurts too bad. I found out she was this way for about 4 days before I got back to work. You could tell she was beyond exhausted. The entire 12 hour shift I worked she didn’t lay down. I couldn’t take it anymore and picked her up and laid her down in my field office. With in one minute she was asleep. I took her to the vet that morning and she had a dislocated hip. The rest is history. She is literally attached at the hip. I can’t go anywhere without her being in the “heel” position. I’ve been taking care of her for 3 weeks now and started training her. She’s the smartest dog I’ve ever owned. Picks up on things so fast. There’s so much more to her story that maybe I can put in another post but didn’t want to make this longer than it already is. Her second day at my house and she’s in heaven. Sleeps more than any dog I’ve ever owned but she’s earned it. Our story has just begun and it’s gonna be amazing I can already tell. The photos are over a couple of weeks from when I found her hurt, her first bath, to her life now. I’ve owned and trained a lot of dogs but I think this one is going to be the best one.