Took Tallulah to Tractor Supply!! She did amazing

This is her third car ride, she's still getting used to them, but me and my mom took her to Tractor Supply today to give her a bath there. It was her first time in a public place/store and she did really well!!

She was silent but curious of everything going on (especially the other people lol) there was a mom with a young kid in the pet supplies isle and Tallulah just sat by my side as my mom went into the isle to look at collars (I didn't want to go into the isle since I wasn't sure how she'd act around the other mom and her kid, so I decided to stand outside the isle with her just in case) and she just sat by my side, staring at my mom until she came back

I didn't get any pictures of her in the store, only in the car, but maybe next time :D

Anyways, tell her she did a good job‼️🗣️🗣️ (I’m so proud of her 😭💕)