Brit v Bogg - Part 2
Recap of the last two days:
- Brit goes to the piercers to get new piercings/jewelry. Doesn't have enough money so asks her viewers. No one gave her money. People definitely called the store up and told them she was recording. Came home with no new piercing nor jewelry. (correction she did get money and she did get an eyebrow piercing. She also gave out her own number and is now receiving prank calls. thanks u/okextension7347)
- Brit continues to be two-cammed by Bogglebox leading to Brit joining Bogglebox's live, jumping into the box and a yelling match between her, some chick named Joey-Lee and Mumma Paige begins while Bogglebox smirks silently in the background
- Brit comes back onto her own account and a presumably fake account "Sandy" comments in Brit's live that "I make one phone call and they will all be deceased just letting u know." Brit tells her to do it. This is in the middle of Brit hysterically crying after being targeted for weeks on end at this point, and only minutes after the yelling match concluded.
- People have begun to turn on Bogglebox and have been doxing Bogglebox's workplace. Most of these comments have been removed by Brit's mods. Mods are working overtime.
- Today, Bogglebox takes this as a threat and is now demanding a written or verbal apology from Brit and anyone else who threatened or doxed Bogglebox in Brit's live. Most of the doxing or threatening comments were swept up by Brit's mods. Bogglebox says if there's no apology, SHE will be the one to go to the police tomorrow. Bogglebox claims she does not control anyone (despite occasionally instructing people to go comment on Brit's lives (often with "funny jokes")) and has done no harm to Britnie. Also claims this isn't her first rodeo and there are people out there who want her information.
- Brit has instructed her mods to go through every single viewer, block them and see if Bogglebox is still able to restream Brit, but if the live doesn't end for Bogglebox they need to unblock the viewer. Excruitating.
- Bogglebox has Mumma Paige and Joey-Lee in her live as they talk to Brit via two-camming. Bogglebox has declared she is done and they are over. Breakup arc???
- Britnie attedmpted to do a private, sub-only live to prevent Bogglebox two-camming her. Bogglebox joins on an account that is subscribed to Britnie and continues to two-cam her until getting blocked.
- Brit two-cams Bogglebox back as epic payback
- Asks for someone watching her live to send her $30 so she can get maccas (Centrelink payments still on hold). Her boyfriend ended up giving her the money.