Brit v Bogg
Today's events:
- The great Britnie v Bogglebox war continues raging on. Still no police report made on Bogglebox despite pledging to last night, and hinting at doxing Bogglebox. Brit has now given Bogglebox a one-week warning before she goes to the police and applies for an intervention order (despite giving her one week to stop "two-camming" Brit was upset it didn't immediately stop (???))
- Britnie has sought totally legit advice from a random European woman she went live with who claimed to be "studying cyber," so obviously now Brit has all the legal and technical advice she could ever want.
- Dying hair a darker shade of brown and getting rid of the home-job bleach highlights
- Spent $20usd (thinking it was aud) on ChatGPT-4 to for a months subscription so she can ask it to "roast her haters". She hit the message cap within the first hour, obviously didn't read the description of what she was paying before. Declared it a waste of money and she could've bought food with that instead. Centrelink payments still on hold btw.
- Standing up for Timstar because she understands what it's like to have people accuse her of not looking after her animals
- Ordering more washing powder to be delivered via doordash (even though she bought some last night). Centrelink payments still on hold btw. Also bought washing machine cleaner because her clothes smell. Couldn't be because they smoke right underneath their perpetual washing line.