Noob trying to make sense of all the different ammo offerings
TL:DR in the middle, sorry!
Hi folks, noob here that's a little overwhelmed at the wide array of options available and hoping for some more experienced voices to weigh in. I'm struggling to fully make sense of exactly how similar calibers/cartridges compare and when/why I should pick one over the other. I'm probably over thinking it a bit, but the advice from a mate of "get a .223 and go for it" seems a little ... incomplete maybe?
I've got a property that has the following animals I would be shooting primarily for pest control/conservation reasons, but with the aim to harvest the meat from some of them and maybe the pelts if possible. Eventually I might go hunting elsewhere, and of course the shooting range for practice.
- Brumbies (pretty healthy looking large ones)
- Sambar (and maybe Fallow too, but I haven't seen any yet)
- Pigs
- Dingoes/wild dogs (mostly hybrids I think, not sure yet if I will target these)
- Foxes
- Cats
- Hares
- Rabbits
Range wise probably not shooting anything more than 500m away at the absolute most, but more likely <250-300m most of the time.
I'm not looking for just one do-it-all option (much too large a size range obviously), and I definitely want to prioritise humane kills. I'd probably start with something suitable for the foxes and cats and try for headshots on the smaller animals (if I turn a few into mush then it's no big deal, as long as they don't suffer any more than necessary), and leave the larger stuff until I get a second rifle, and eventually probably a third for the bunnies (I'm planning to stop there, but we'll see how that goes, haha!).
So splitting it into three groups with pigs, deer, and horses requiring something larger (probably .270 or up in case I ever want to go hunting in Vic). Then dogs, foxes, and cats in the middle range, and rabbits and hares on the small end. From what I've read, a common combo for this would be a .30 cal, .20 cal centrefire, and .20 cal rimfire right?
Where I'm struggling a bit is the different options for similar sized cartridges. I've been reading about them but I keep learning of more and more options that all seem better or worse in some performance metric, but I don't know which ones matter more or less than others. I also don't know how things are here as far as ammo availability and price, and chambering options, since most of the info is American.
TL:DR: Which is best out of the following?
For horses, deer, and pigs
- .270
- .308
- 7mm-08
- .30-06
For dogs, foxes, and cats
- .22 hornet (is this maybe too small/weak?)
- .204
- .223
- .22-250
- .220 swift
- .243 (maybe too large?)
For hares and rabbits
- .22LR
- .17HMR
- .22 hornet
Are there any of these that I should definitely avoid, be it because of excessive prices, rarity, poor performance, lack of variety of grain sizes, or some other reason? Are there any that I should consider as well or instead? I am obviously very inexperienced, so I am not sure if I should value accuracy over say stopping power (which I don't really know what that is exactly, energy maybe?).
One thing I don't fully understand is how different ballistics statistics (hah!) affect the performance or suitability of the cartridge. For example according to Wikipedia the .270 has mostly comparable energy to the .308, but higher velocity. So does that mean the .270 has a flatter trajectory or is more accurate? Does the lighter bullet get pushed around by the wind more? Or does the smaller bullet get pushed around by the wind less and travel further due to less drag? Does it lose it's energy faster and have less range because it is lighter? Or is the ballistic difference far less important in my application than the cost and ubiquity side of things?
Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post, and if you have any recommendations for books, websites, or even youtubers that I could read or watch to learn about small arms ballistics that'd also be much appreciated. Thank you!