Demolition question: rebar vs no rebar slab

Hi all, I am considering putting a slab under my carport, which is around 6 m x 7 m, knowing that in 10 years or so I may have to rip it up to put a proper level slab and garage. Given the size of this slab, I would of course consider putting rebar down, but I am wondering if this would add to the demolition costs down the track. I know that rebar would be best practice, but I’m wondering if going without it, for a semi temporary slab, would be okay for 10 years or so. And if it cracks, it cracks. Thank you for your advice!

Edit; thank you all for taking the time to answer to my question. As many of you correctly pointed out, it would make much more sense to have an engineered slab with foundations for a future garage installed right now. This lab would have to be flat and not on a slope as it currently is the case with my carport. The issue with that is that we currently do not have the money to pay someone to do up the plans, pay for approvals, and also get a plumber to move stormwater pipe (where it currently sits, it would be are in the way of the foundations for the garage. ). So yeah, I’m trying to make the most of a not ideal situation .