Extremely unstimulated

Hello, I'm relatively new to the Public Service working in Environmental Regulation (don't want to disclose too much info), but started about 2 years ago.

I'm unsure how to make my question clear and brief because, tbh, I've got a million things running through my mind and am just unsure where to go or what's going on LOL.

However, here's my attempt:

-I am becoming more and more reluctant in doing my work. THERE IS SO MUCH ADMINISTRATION.

I just feel like there are so many facets of the brain that should be utilised in a job, and all I do is sit at a computer filling in sections on templates, having it sent back for the most trivial things or writing up emails meticulously because God forbid there's a mistake.

Let me make it clear - I love public servants and what they stand for, and 100% see the value in regulation. The more I do this job the more I see why we do it.

BUT THE JOB IS SO MUCH ADMINISTRATION, or bureaucracy or whatever you want to call it.

To get to the crux, my job pays relatively well, the people are nice, I get to go out to sites (maybe 2-3 weeks for the entire year, so not alot in the scheme of things), and I get to WFH plenty.

However, the work is tedious, there is little about the role that is challenging except that you become a f*cking master at wording emails and writing reports, the culture is dry af (again, nice people, nothing toxic) and is pretty monotonous.

Because I have extremely limited experience in private, and in life in general, I just don't know if:

-this is just what being a Public Servant is like, or there are other PS roles out there that are more stimulating. -if people who have experience in Private sector could comment on why one is preferable over the other, especially when you DONT have kids (so the worklife balance isnt extremely important to me, although it definitely is to a degree) -if this is just working/life, and in general, tough to escape. And if this is the case, how tf do you stay stimulated to do your work?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?@?@?@

Knowing reddit, someone will ask, 'what do you mean by stimulating, there's many different things that stimulate someone. What you just described about your role might stimulate someone else alot'. Well, I suppose that's why I'm here, because I don't know why I'm unstimulated. Possibly because I feel like I'm in the wrong job role, or perhaps because we weren't made to sit at a computer for 8 hours.

If I could also add, has anyone found that working in public or private is more beneficial when you're relatively fresh in starting a career?