Preparing to go to women's prison Victoria 2025

Hi guys. Can someone let me know what it's like in Victorian women's prisons. I need to accept I may do up to 5 + years and not sure how to deal with this.

Do you get to...

Phone friends and family?

Is there a messaging system to speak to family and friends via a device?

Can you read endless books and study to pass the time?

Do you sleep a lot to pass the time?

I'll have to give up a good job that I hope will take me back after

My parents are late 70s and I care for them part time so this will be hard

Do you get to watch TV?

Listen to music?? I need music

I've heard there's a farm women's prison I grew up on a farm so this option would be nice

Are you allowed a hair tie? Make up of any type at all?

How do you study if you can't have technology?

Can you get extra blankets to make your sterile bed a little more homely?

Sorry for the questions I currently feel like not waking up tomorrow but I also know I must get on with it as everything passes one day