What components of car ownership are tax deductible for work use?

Im a payg employee, post tax sublease car is on offer but not really into their vehicles. Novated lease only makes sense with EVs (not viable for me) and PHEV (not into models currently available in aus). Looking at option of buying the car I actually want and tax deducting it. Estimating at least 80% of 35000km/yr to be work km, Possibly 90%. Whatever I get will attract an 8k/yr vehicle allowance from employer

What costs can I deduct?

1-Running costs eg fuel, rego insurance maintenance

2- Full car loan repayments or only the interest portion?

3- Depreciation

4- other

5- home charging

would it make a significant difference if I paid cash for the car?

Do I need to logbook all kms?

Looking at a 2021-2023 rav4 PHV imported from japan, around 70k onroad for a barely used car. Plan to keep it for at least 5 and more like 10 years

I know I can ask my accountant but I also value a variety of opinions
