Getting ripped off by Real Pet Insurance - Any suggestions?

Does anyone have any experience with pet insurance? I'm currently paying $128/month for pet insurance which is ridiculous, it is more than what I personally pay for my own health insurance lol.

Given my dog is more than 9 years old, seems like most insurers do not want to take on new insurance policies for dogs post 9years but wondering if there is something else I can do. I just find paying $128/month ridiculous. My payments have increased quite drastically since 2020, I was paying $25/fortnight compared to $64/fortnight. I get insurances are expensive and the premium goes up as the dog gets older but surely it cant be this bad?


- Breed: Cavoodle
- Dog is 9 years old, will turn 10 in Aug-24
- Had a knee surgery when he was 1yo but since then no issues
- Seems like most insurers don't cover pre-existing injuries
- Currently paying $64 per FORTNIGHT through Real Pet Insurance. Payments increased 24% last month. Apprently, it is based on high risk breed etc (standard bs to justify 24% YoY increase).

The other thing I tried to check was what the cost of insurance is if the pet is 8 years old. I looked around and then compared to the cost I was paying for my pet when he was 8 years old. Seems like companies like Bupa/Medibank are charging $15-20 per fortnight less than what I have been paying since last year.

If you need more information please let me know but I honestly don't know what I can do to cut this cost down.