Overall Tips for Late-game Power Increases

Hi all, been playing since launch and I see there are a lot of guides around, but they're things like tier lists and beginner's guides. I'm more late game (power 12,759) and have been at a wall since chapter 9, so thought I'd ask if we could compile some advice for players at this point?

Things I've done:

  • Maxed both combat and alchemy research (lv 100)
  • Reached level cap on my characters (lvs 70/75/80 depending on growboard)
  • Filled as much of the growboard as I can (I can't clear the quests for the highest tier orbs, so it all depends on what I could grab in the last event)
  • All equipment is SSR
  • All equipment has minimum trait score of 6 with traits I feel are relevant to the equip
  • Party composition is 2 attack + 2 breakers + 1 support
  • All characters at 5*
  • All equipped memoria fully unlocked and at max level