Why is American politics in its current state?
I’m from Central Europe, and like everyone else have been watching American Politics more and more closely in the past 12 years. I understand that my current vision of the political landscape has to have a few biases, due to the prism I see it through (social media, Reddit, our local press, American press).
I am not trying to start a “Europe good/America bad” thing. I’m genuinely curious on a political/historical level and would like to have a mostly unbiased explanation. Europe is faaaar from perfect, I just notice a tendency in the US political discourse and trying to make sense of it.
TL;DR: I am very confused as to how, when and why American politics got to where it is right now, where the electorate doesn’t seem to have any other conviction than “other side = bad”.
Long version: Trying to understand the arguments on both sides, I often snoop around both r/democrats and r/conservative when something big happens to read the reactions/takes. And in each sub 80% of the posts are just ranting about the other side.
It’s gotten ridiculous to a point that on the day of Trumps inauguration, when you could have thought that r/conservative would just be glowing with absolute jubilation, most of the posts were still complaining about Biden’s age, or Kamala’s “inability to give straight answers” or even just mocking how they looked/behaved on the day. On r/democrats, someone just posted a screenshot of r/conservative complaining about r/democrats to complain about r/conservative. Madness.
This is so strange to me because where I’m from, when one party is in charge, you generally tend to not hear from them and their electorate anything else than policies/whats going on and are they doing a good job or not. While every other party is “the opposition” and their job is to just deplore everything the majority does. Rinse and repeat.
In the US today, it seems to me than no one gives a single shit about laws and policies. That the reason Trump could go back in power after everything he’s done, is that his electorate really care about the dems losing than anything else at all. On the other side, Biden and Harris’s campaigns were literally “We’re not Trump! We’re good people. You’re not MAGA, you’re good people”.
I see symptoms of this in the American press also. The most used words in political news today are variations on “slams”, “blasts” or “denounces”. Any real policy/bills articles are getting buried under relays of each sides opinion about the other.
So what gives? Was it always like this and is just now very obvious because of social media and 24h news cycles? Is it just the reality of a two-party system? Is it not at all the case and I’m just getting this impression due to my sources biases and my own?