Would you put up with this from a partner?
EDIT: Thanks to everyone for replying. I appreciate the outside view and bluntness. Some posters have interpreted my post that I am after his house and finances. That is not the case at all. Our finances are separate and pay my share of bills and shopping. I want us to jointly buy a property so that we can have a shared life and yes security in the sense that he cant just toss me out.
For context: he wasn't married to his daughter's mother. She became pregnant a year into their relationship. My partner claims that he never wanted children and in his words the daughter was an 'accident'. The partner never bought the house, he did and after having their daughter she never worked as he could afford to pay for everything. I am curious about the dynamic of their relationship and he has always been vague in his answers. She was a much older woman who already had 4 children and she was living with her mother when they met.
Struggling to make sense of everything and how to deal with it. Are my expectations unrealistic?
My main issue is my living arrangements with my partner.
I (43f) have been with my partner (48m) for seven years and living together for three of those years. We aren't married or have children together. He has a daughter from a previous relationship that only ended because his partner died.
I live in his house which he fully owns. Before I moved in he made me sign a cohabitation agreement. I was shocked as honestly I never thought I would have legal rights to his house and I have never done anything to make him not trust me. The biggest part of the agreement that I was unhappy with was the time to leave the property should he die. I have 6 months as he wants his daughter to inherit everything. I understand that he wants to leave stuff to his daughter but he also has another house which she will also inherit so she will do very well. I just feel that 6 months is a short time to grieve him dying and to find somewhere to live. Plus I am concerned that his daughter will be difficult. We talked about this as I wanted us to buy a property together so that I would have security and he said that is something we could look at. So I signed the agreement as since I wouldn't be paying him rent this gave me the ability to save loads towards a house we could buy together.
Unfortunately about three months after moving in I was involved in a serious injury that has left me partially sighted so I dropped the idea of buying a place. It is only in the last year now that I am trying to rebuild my life that I have revisited buying a place. Having the injury as made me more anxious about my insecure living arrangement. He has now changed his mind and no longer wants to buy a somewhere together. This has made me anxious as I dont feel secure. His mother's husband (he is her 4th husband and my partner is from her 2nd marriage) recently died and I found out that before the husband moved in that he signed a cohabitation agreement but could live in the house until he died. This upset me as my partner doesnt want this arrangement as in his words the house will be his daughters.
I am also unable to make the house into my home. I surrounded by his things and the life he had with his daughter's mother who died 18 months before we met. There are loads of photos around the house of the daughter, in fact as soon as you come through the front door there is a large photo of the daughter. There are ornaments that were placed there by his previous partner and items from the holidays they went on. There are 2 photos of us but they are surrounded by all of the photos of his daughter and the 2 photos of his mother. All my personal items like family photos are in a room upstairs which he has allowed me to make as my own. He won't change the house to blend our things together as it will upset his daughter. His daughter is in her 20's and lives with her boyfriend.
These issues have made me feel that I'm not his partner at times, just a house mate he has sex with. There is no romance or commitment of any type and he has made me feel bad for asking. Like when we go for a walk he walks ahead of me as he is much faster than me plus I struggle now to navigate with my sight loss. Yesterday when we were out walking I asked him to slow down as it makes us look like we have had an argument. His response was that he never hears where I am and was, I felt anyway, sarcastic when he said 'you quote that I was walking fast'. It are things like this and him being a mummy's boy now further fuel my resentment and not feeling valued.
Most of the time though we get along ok and there isn't constant bickering. I now mostly just bottle things up as it is when I try to talk to him about how I am feeling this causes tension and accusations of being controlling. I am also scared of being kicked out of the house.
I am 43 so I know finding someone else will be difficult, especially now that I have health issues. When I was single in my early 30's it was difficult then so it is probably worse now. In all honesty, I think I would miss his cat more as I would not be able to take her with me as she belongs to him.