How many career pivots have you had?

34F and feeling a little burnt out, existential, and shackled by golden handcuffs. Seriously reconsidering my career even though I worked really hard to get to where I am.

Thing is, this isn’t my first career pivot. I tried a few things in my late teens and early 20s that I ended up not liking. Not sure if those count as ‘career pivots’ or if that is just typical early life/major exploration, but I feel a little sheepish and silly because if I change fields again, it’s like… my third or fourth career choice?

I really want to be the person who knew what they wanted to be and then just got a degree in that field and did it. Instead I got a graduate education in one field and work in another and I’m really successful but still feel empty inside. Am I looking for too much meaning from my work?

Please share any career changes you’ve had or similar moments of crises around your career. Would love to hear from others on this!