True Retrospective: Why Do You Think Kamala Lost?

I'm in shock...almost disbelief in HOW she lost. People are underestimating the repercussions that will occur. I am taking a mental health day from work.

With that said, why do you think she lost?? I want a true discussion and analysis. I can't think right now and I feel numb. I am terrified to bring a child into this world, worried about my dad who is a vet and gets social security, worried about the future...It all seems so bleak.

Did she not reach enough people? I disliked the Dem campaign in 2016...I feel like we could even go back to the 2000 election. Yes, I am a butterfly effect person and believe if Al Gore would have won in 2000 none of what has happened from 2016 and on would have happened and I stand by it.