Besides condoms, what other ways to prevent pregnancy is there that doesn't include putting a ton of bad things in your body(like birthcontrol)? Also TW: SA.

I've(31f) been on birthcontrol since my 17th.

I've been trying for 3 years to quit birthcontrol because

A: i had a lot of mental health issues of which I suspected birthcontrol being the cause of it. B: I was sure I was asexual and maybe even into women and not men(spoiler I'm probably bisexual).

Every time I tried to quit I got extremely sick. Now it's been going great since December. My anxiety is almost gone, my mentalhealth is so much better. And my joints arent as painful anymore.

Since i quit birthcontrol i became horny pretty much 24/7. Since my mental health has improved greatly I've also started to feel attracted to people again.
I masturbate daily, which i never did or enjoyed before.

I'm thinking I may be finally ready to be intimate with someone and actually enjoy it.

However I don't ever want to touch birthcontrol again.

Condoms could break. What else can I do to prevent pregnancy on the future?

Fyi you may wonder why a 31yo woman doesn't know about this. I was with a long term partner which I wanted children with eventually so pregnancy wouldn't be an issue.

I dumped him a while ago. Decided i should not have children. Was certain I'd never be intimate with men again.
Have SA related trauma. Thought i was asexual. I figured why bother learning about this topic. Until I started feeling like an actual human for the first time in my life.