General vet quick to recommend euthanasia, while specialists are not at all. Thoughts?
Species: Cat (Persian)
Age: 15-16 (we aren't 100% sure because we adopted her and they didn't know her exact age at the time)
Weight: 7.8lbs
Hx. Cholangiocarcinoma resected in 2022. Currently has a carcinoma on the outside of her abdominal muscles (no liver involvement). Palladia since April 2024 and only very minimal growth in the cancer since.
Medications: Ursodiol, Palladia, Denamarin supplement, Solensia, Darbepoetin.
We have a general vet for routine follow-ups. Our cat gets bloodwork every 2 months. Specialists (internal med/oncology) give her ultrasounds every 10–12 months to check the liver. They review all testing done by our general vet.
Our general vet is sweet, but he's VERY quick to recommend euthanasia. When we first started Palladia (recommended by specialists), we took her in to see the general vet for the first time for bloodwork. Liver values were slightly high, and she was experiencing some mild inappetance after the doses of Palladia (3x per week). The vet stated she was probably very uncomfortable and that he would recommend euthanasia. We scheduled the euthanasia appointment for 4 days later. The vet seemed to think we should do it that day, but we didn't feel ready. Specialists then reviewed tests, and they said to cancel that euthanasia appointment because Palladia can raise liver values temporarily and the inappetance was likely temporary. Thankfully, we listened. This was in March 2024, and inappetance and liver values are no longer an issue.
In November, she got a UTI. General vet recommended euthanasia once again. Specialists once again said that, despite the UTI and cancer, she's doing well. She isn't losing weight; she's eating on her own, she's still alert, and she has as much energy as can be expected from a geriatric cat. UTI cleared up with antibiotics. They said she could be good for another 5-6 months. We communicated this to the general vet, and they seemed doubtful. We're now in March, and she's still doing great. Every visit, there's this vibe of "you're being selfish for keeping this cat going."
I have nightmares before every visit that euthanasia is again recommended and that we go through with it and then learn we shouldn't have. It has led to an issue where I go to my general vet, receive seemingly terrible news, and then have horrible anxiety while I wait for the specialists to review the tests only to tell me everything looks good based on the tests and her lack of symptoms.
Are euthanasia recommendations like this usual? Am I being selfish? I should go with the specialist opinions, right?