If not for 9-5, what would you do?

I keep seeing this hate on 9-5. But I think it's more hate on shitty office jobs. As it's not necessarily all office jobs, same how some pub/bar work is more fun than others. But the message is, quit the 9-5 before it's too late and do something else. Or a recant video, stand in this box and watch your life go away while your friends scateboard (but urr, how else they paying for their rent and bills and life? Or they sofa surfing/living with parents. Or a shared house. I don't see how's that long term sustainable)

But, what else would you do? I like going out, I like clubbing, concerts, going to the pub, travelling, going random places to explore, my hobbies etc. But all that requires money. I worked since I was 16-17 and did my best to work my way up to be not be stuck on minimum wage / low wage that barely sustains life. If I quit my job now, what would I even do?

There is the meme of, I don't like 9-5 so I work 24/7 (i.e. 4 on 4 off). And that has its perks and cons, same as 9-5.

"Travel to Australia to work the bar, or some warehouse". That to me sounds more glamaorised. I don't see how different that would be to working bar or warehouse here in UK or elsewhere in Europe. I certainly want to backpack around the world, but again, money. I love the fact I can go on holiday , spend £300-500 and not have to care/have anxiety about penny pinching. Maybe I'm just addicted to money and work?

Helps that I earned almost £50k this tax year and turned 24.