Where the heck can you rent a conference room with a TV during evening/night hours?
Hey folks,
A bunch of my mates and I are in town from New Zealand and Australia this week for the game developers conference and we are trying to find a place to get together and watch the Severance finale next week. Every coworking space or rentable conference room seems to only be available until 5pm or 7pm. Even the hotel I'm staying in said they couldn't do something after 7pm unless I set up like a catered event.
We're just looking for a spot to rent a room that's got a TV where a couple dozen people can have a couple beers and watch one episode of a television show. I'm sure there's a website or easy option I'm just not familiar with, being from out of town. AirBNB ruined my old hometown so I'd rather not use them if I can at all avoid it.
Push comes to shove I guess I can cram some folks into my hotel room but rather not do that during flu season so any help available would be welcomed. :) Cheers!
Edit: thanks for the peerspace recs, have messaged a couple places there as well as looking into other suggestions. last time I lived here I wasn't drinking age yet so this is a fun new problem to try to solve, lol.