keep pronouns in zoom name for interview?
i’m a grad student in virology at an R1 institution in the northeast. i have an interview for an adjunct teaching position tomorrow morning at a neighboring university in their biological sciences division to teach virology. i use they/them pronouns and i’ve already emailed with the chair with my pronouns in my signature, but i’m pretty sure he hasn’t seen them. i really want the job and i need the experience teaching as an instructor of record. i’ll obviously tell the school my pronouns if i get the job, but i don’t want to color their opinions of me before they even get to hear me speak. what do y’all think? advice from queer and trans professors in the bio sciences (i know y’all are few and far between) would be especially helpful
would also love any other advice about interviewing! i’ve never interviewed for a teaching position before and don’t really know what to expect. tia!
edit: thanks for all of your thoughts...gonna leave them in and see how it goes. interview in 15 minutes ahhhhhh!!
edit 2: left the pronouns in and got the job offer less than an hour after the interview finished! thanks everybody!