My stepson won’t wipe his own butt.

I (37F) have been living with my partner (39M) for seven months. I am currently 9 weeks pregnant with my first child. My partner shares a son “Max” (8) with his ex. Max stays with us 50% of the time.

Anyway, I have been completely weirded out by Max’s apparent inability to wipe his own butt. He calls his dad to come in the bathroom and wipe for him when he is done pooping. Max is a neurotypical kid with no intellectual disabilities, etc to explain needing his butt wiped for him at the age of 8.

I thought maybe I’m not being very understanding because I don’t yet have children of my own, but I asked a couple parents I know and they think it’s weird too.

TLDR version: Is it weird that my 8 year old stepson needs his butt wiped for him? Or is it normal for some kids?