Why do men want girlfriends so badly?
Sorry for generalising men, I know that’s sexist but I couldn’t think of a succinct title. The next few paragraphs are going to be sexist so I’m sorry for the way they’re worded. I’m a mid-twenties female btw.
Some say it’s because it’s simply biology but life is so much bigger than simple biology, who on earth simply follows through their vague impulses? I draw and I write and I dance and those are usually disregarded as biological impulses to be ignored, but when it comes to men’s madness over relationships some men I’ve met act like their limerance is be all and end all of life.
So many women I personally know simply don’t care for men the same way men do. Women can emotionally support each other much better than men do, and we have inventions that physically satisfy us better than men do. From the outside it looks like men refuse to take care of each other like women do with women, and inventions have also not yet appeared to please men’s physical desires.
I’ve tried to befriend men and they always ruin it. They talk about how lonely they are, so I become their friend and try to help them with their emotional woes and give them cognitive behavioural tools so they can also help themselves and their own fellow men. Then eventually down the line they get horny towards me; no shame a mammal is a mammal after all.
It’s just they refuse to deal with their own physical desires on their own like an adult and repeatedly try to talk me into being their girlfriend. When I’m hungry I don’t bully my friends into making me a sandwich, when I’m tired I don’t fall asleep in the middle of class, when I feel restless and want to exercise I stay still so I don’t bother those around me, when I’m lustful I don’t bother those I find attractive I merely excuse myself to go take care of myself.
Why do men keep ruining good female-male friendships over weird caveman impulses? I don’t want to cut out 50% of the world’s population out of my life, that seems ridiculous, but I might have to. I've already lost four possible friends because they leave when I won't date them ) :
EDIT (22/03/25): After chatting with you all I have been pointed to a terrible conclusion. It appears men cannot be logical disciplined creatures and put their minds over their hearts. Tragically it is indeed true, men must suffer on their own to sort their own problems out as opposed to relying on the council of those around them. Time and time again men have answered this very post declaring their own inability to think and be trustworthy. Thank you all for these enlightening remarks, maybe I was the real fool all along for daring to try partnership with men.