Caught wife following random guys and liking posts

Hi all. after seeing post about that aretheycheatingio site my insecure head thought I'd try it out on my wife. I wish i never bothered now.

So she's been following a couple of guys recently who appear to have money, some fitness / "gymbro" and a bunch of others. I also see the posts she is liking too. These men clearly are single too.

I know many of you will think I'm petty and being insecure etc, I just didn't expect this would be the case. I feel like I bring enough to the table in the relationship, but she has definitely been acting up recently.

Should I confront my wife and ask why she has been doing this recently or should I just keep it quiet for now? I don't want to cause an argument, but now all of this is in my head it's just making me question a lot of things. For all i know she could already be cheating, or be planning on it and I do not want to get hurt.

By the way these aren't famous guys, a few of them look pretty local. That's what makes me over think it more

For context: we only got married about 6 months ago, relationship for four and half years